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Making the Most of Employer One-On-Ones

As a business school student, one-on-one meetings with potential employers are golden opportunities to showcase your skills and learn about exciting career prospects. These interactions can significantly impact your future, so it’s crucial to approach them strategically. Here are some …

By Madeline Kawanaka
Madeline Kawanaka
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How to make your career resources work for you 

Imagine this: You get a push notification on your phone the minute your dream employer posts a new position.  

If you’ve taken an introductory finance course, you’ve likely learned that there are passive and active investments. Well, the same goes …

By Chloe Simoneaux
Chloe Simoneaux Associate Director, Employer Engagement
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The 10 Types of People You Need In Your Mentorship Circle

Do you know who’s on your personal board of directors? 

As a successful executive, whether you’re conscious of it or not, you likely have one. Your personal board of directors is the circle of mentors who’ve helped shape and guide …

By Ivy Exec
Ivy Exec is your dedicated career development resource.
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