How I Secured $11 Million for My Start-Up | Queer Money Ep. 484 was originally published on Queer Money.
A whopping 93% of venture capital funding goes to straight, white, men. Which means is very few and far between that an LGBTQ+ founder lands a multi-million dollar round of funding.
When this does happen, we want to champion this and learn from it, so more LGBTQ+ folks can try to replicate it and create generational/community wealth.
We often hear people in the community say, “I have this business idea . . .” then follow up with “but I cant start a business because of X, Y, Z, LMNOP.”
And that’s simply not true. That’s why we’re busting these limiting beliefs on today’s show.
This is Queer Money episode #484. And today, we’re interviewing Mark Cozzi, the CEO and co-founder of The Bettering Company, to share why and how he launched a luxury edible company, and how he secured $11MM in venture capital funding to grow his company.
Mark had a 35-year career in the finance sector, primarily focused on growth companies and startups. Mark then left Wall Street to found Leor Energy, a privately held energy company.
Today, Mark shares the good, the bad, and the ugly about launching and funding The Bettering Company, so maybe you too can launch your own venture (and come on Queer Money to tell us about it).
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